the biggest resource i found managing proxmox ve was the helper scripts. this community was such a helping hand it allowed me to manage my node better. from cpu scaling governor, disabling repos, removing the nag, clean the kernel, and more. the biggest thing was the deployment scripts which spun up virtual machines and lxc containers. that was where it really shined and i began to migrate all of my services from docker inside of casa os to their own lxc container. so eventually one by one i start migrating my services:
- cloudflared
- nextcloud (now nextcloudpi)
- required a bit of configuration, but it is a more optimized version of nextcloud
- pingvin
- crafty controller
- playitgg
- authentik
i also installed other services as lxc containers since they did have those:
- remotely (i will explain this)
- installed this inside of a debian lxc container, there is no script for this. there is a dedicated remotely section for this month.
- pivpn (i will explain)
- installed this inside of a debian lxc continaer, there is no script for this. there is a dedicated pivpn section for this month.
- bookstack
- semaphore
- homepage
- dockge
my goal is to migrate all of my docker containers to lxc containers so that they have their dedicated resources and not sharing from one central virtual machine. the services that are left to migrate are the critical ones. this equates to adguard home, nginx proxy manager, and omada controller. i plan to migrate these, but we will see when i get to it.