

this was very easy to setup inside of casa os, just a click of a button. the docker container automatically portfowards a range of tcp ports to support more than one server. you are able to create either a minecraft java or bedrock server. fully self-hosted minecraft server. the performance will depend on the specs of your server. i first started off hosting a java server and a bedrock server.

exposing the server to the public was fairly easy as playitgg makes it simple. i installed their agent as a docker container with casa os and went to the url provided to add the agent to my account. within playitgg you must specify the local ip address and the port of the minecraft server. then playitgg will generate you a public ip address and domain to access the server.

while this is nice, if you have a domain, you can link your playitgg ip address to your domain name. the setup is simple:

create a dns a record that points to the ip address given from playitgg.

create an srv record that uses the service “_minecraft.tcp.name”, with a priority of 0 and weight of 5. the port will be whatever playitgg gives to your tunnel. the target will be the a record that you created to point to the playitgg ip. from there let dns do its thing and the server is accessible from your domain.

to check the status, you can use mc server status or mcutils.

plugins were easy to install and i recommend using them.

i then looked into integrating geysermc, but had issues. this will be addressed in a future post.

preserve the moment.