so my website is all static html and css files. i came across a network chuck video where he explains how to host a free website with github pages. i got the setup all configured and pointed my apex domain to their servers and it was running in a matter minutes. what does take a bit of time is generating an https certificate for your website, but once that is done, it is secure.
all i had to do was create a new repo and upload my files into the repo. when setting up github pages, you will specify that repo’s main branch. you will also have to verify your domain if you do have one. you can still host a website without one, but it will have your username attached to it. so if you want your domain to have a website, you will need to verify it within the settings.
maintenance was not too bad as i just edited the files within the repo. my main website is pretty much static and i just chatgpt to generate the content for my website. it is simple, and i like it that way.