

this is a topic that has yet to be talked about. it was left in the back burner, but when i was sifting through my network controller, i remembered about my ddns setup. i have referenced to duckdns in my post about npm, but it was brief as it was only used to point a domain name to a local ip address or public ip address.

the documentation was a bit hard to find about this setup since it was not explicitly said. it was a general overview, so i kept digging and digging. for my case, i am using omada controller to administer my network infrastructure and the software has an option for ddns. when configuring this, look out for the specific configuration it asks for as it is different for each router. there are many options like dyndns, no ip, peanuthull, comexe, and more.

this case since i am using duckdns, depending on which router you have, it may support it. for omada devices, it does not, so it requires a custom configuration. this documentation was a bit hard to find, but nonetheless i found it. this is the general configuration:

user: nouser
password: token
domain name: yourdomain.duckdns.org
interval mode: fixed
update interval: 12 hours
update url: https://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD]@www.duckdns.org/v3/update?hostname=[DOMAIN]&myip=[IP]

preserve the moment.