

this was a very nice feature added to my network. it acts as a dns sinkhole to block ads and services. i ran this inside of a docker container, managed by casa os. the setup was a bit different since i was using docker inside of a virtual machine because i had to remove dns features from the host virtual machine so that it can be passed to the docker container. which made sense since if the dns were to be pointed to the virtual machine, it would go to the host os, and not the docker container.

i forgot which configurations i did, but it is very easy to find the fix.

so then i started added the block lists and it was working well. ads and services were being blocked in my network. there was an issue, one of the block lists rendered facebook useless as i assume it was blocking some telemetry and user features. i found the fix to add the specific subdomains to the white list filter. after that, it worked just fine, but it was a roadblock nonetheless.

preserve the moment.